Monday, November 26, 2007

How To Decrease Speed In Vba

The play of the night Stories ornaments

In the monastery of Western suburb of the corpse of a monk is found. The Commissioners Marrak and shepherds come in the investigation of the murder of a mysterious area of quartz crystal that is provided with ominous ornaments. mutated cats make when hunting people, the place is in chaos, and only the monks seem to know what a supernatural power in western suburbs to swing. Tobias Bachman returns with "The Game of the ornaments," his most ambitious Fac.
So much for the blurb of my new and now available novel. The book can be directly for 12.00 EUR at Publisher be ordered Eloy Edictions . It includes about 170 pages and carries the ISBN 978-3-938411-30-8.
also recently been in the same Publisher available is the anthology "Masters of Unreality," edited by Walter Diociaiuti.
music and horror ... An inseparable pair, like Eros and Thanatos. Beat and rhythm. Feelings. The music is the art of sound to sound art works put together, and above all an expression of our feelings through the melody. The horror is the machine that Fear and terror generated. She pairs this anthology of exceptional stories that will vibrate the ends of the nerves. "Masters of Unreality," edited by musician and writer Walter Diociaiuti, includes 18 international stories, active music making authors.
comes from my pen the story "The Cathedral Sound," which I wrote exclusively for this anthology. Other authors are: Elizabeth Massie, Danilo Arona, Mark K. Korb, Patricia Lee Macomber, Tobias Bachmann, John Shirley, Sarah Crabtree, John Edward Lawson, Walter Diociaiuti, Steve Gerlach, Phil Lanzon, Christian von Aster, MF Korn, David Benton & William D. Gagliani, Boris Koch, Marc Levinthal, Jörg-Bartscher Kleudgen & Michael Knoke, and David Niall Wilson. The foreword was written by Tom Scheib.
The 320 pages can be directly for 14.00 EUR in order Publisher , or try using the ISBN 978-3-938411-12-4 to buy in bookstores. The purchase definitely worth it, but unfortunately we know ourselves how difficult it is to raise such Oriental Books at the regular trade. The smaller publishers do not have it easy nowadays.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Why Do My Yourkshire Pud Stick

VIII: deleted

The reading in Sennen in Schweinfurt, tomorrow, on 24 11. the short term by the mayor been canceled. The rationale is that only one card went out in advance. Despite our complaints about that highly unprofessional and undignified behavior towards us, we could not change the decision.
All potential visitors to the event, which would like to come, and probably, as usual, would have resolved on the evening of their entry, I want to apologize (also on behalf of Mark K. Korb and Stefan Pfister).
The courageous person who has that solved an admission ticket in advance like to contact us with a copy of the card with me. You receive a thank you a deliverable book of their choice as a gift from me.