Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Best Wedding Cake Toppers Paintball

Disturbania: Contest

to Disturbania anthology of today, there is a competition:

The world is not what it seems.
The reality has changed.
The people have changed.
passage through the mirror.

Are you ready to step through the mirror?
Have you the courage to stand up for what awaits you on the other side?
Do you think that you are the right thing?
Prove it to us and then answer the following questions:

Which statement could be the title of the anthology DISTURBANIA stand?
A. "I have said you do not disturb me you shall!"
as "Something is wrong with this city not!"
C. "I would not eat the fish back to, now I feel bad!"

send us the correct answer to 30.06.2008 and mailing address to: To win

there are: 1x
Christoph-Harding package with
- the novel "The Trolls"
- the novel "Storm Worlds"

1x with André Wiesler Package:
- the novel "The witch maker"
- the novel "Teufelshatz"

1x Tobias Bachmann package
- the novel "The game of ornaments"
- the novella novel "auspices"

3x The short-story anthology " Disturbania - Fantastic Stories of the Great City "

3x Disturbania T-shirts from Shadowmoon

2x The "RATS!" Role-playing game from the project header cinema and the Prometheus games publisher.

The prizes were kindly provided by Tobias Bachmann, Christopher Harding, André Wiesler, the Prometheus Games Publisher and Shadowmoon available. Closing date: 30/06/2008
The decision is final.
wishes you good luck - your project header Cinema team

... and of course I press the thumb!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

How To Understand Wella Colour Chart


The short story collection "Disturbania" is published.
The world is not what it seems.
The reality has changed.
The people have changed.
passage through the mirror. done

In the streets of Großstadtmoloche things, which closed before the people's eyes. Gods that walk the earth. People caught between dream and reality. Malignant beings that lurk in dark alleys for us. In Disturbania Modern meets elements of the fantastical. Each of the authors describes his view of the disturbed reality in its own special way. From horror to dark Zukuftsvisionen to urban fantasy.
Participating authors and their contributions:
Christoph Marzi - The dreaming city
Michael Schmidt - Oststadt silver moon
Aino Laos - Tranquil Gardens
Nina Horvath - Future eye
Marcus Richter - human waste
Oliver Plaschka - Solet voice
David Grashoff - Soulless
Christian Endres - Firestarter
Torsten Sträter - Sports
friend Markus K. Bin - The curious heart
Andreas Melhorn - a matter of opinion
Chris Harding - time change
André Wiesler - Hands on!
Daniel Mayer - Saturday
Fabian Mauruschat - tuning
Tom Scheib - Good approaches
Tobias Bachmann - hubris

And two trailer links to the anthology:
Trailer 1 Trailer 2
The book can be ordered now for 12,90 EUR at, or directly from the Atlantis-Verlag and in any good bookstore with the ISBN 978-3-936742-46-6