Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Horrible Case Of Pityriasis Rosea

Dagon heirs

The second volume of "Arkham Edition" of the Basilisk publishing is now available for all Abonehmer and Pre. As previously announced, the title of "Arkham Edition" limited to 99 copies - as well as this band from my pen (which incidentally still has a little extra gimmick). As I told the publisher, all copies within hours of notification of the publication were sold out. I thank all the readers to thank, and I regret those who could not get hold of more copies. Perhaps someday those who have the Books around the corner or in a certain online auction success, because the support is and will remain unique. Well, a little bit, I regret this, of course, because the book has become really great, I think.
Some information nor to the Pre: Since the production process at 37 copies of the book published back was defective and they were sent back to the printer, it can happen that some customer will receive their copy until about 14 days later. The shipment of all remaining books are just in those days. My own copy trickled in on Monday with me, and I can only say that the book has become a veritable feast for the eyes. The publisher has done a great job. Beautiful Paper, nice font set, cool cover (here again a deep bow to Mark Freier), and the gimmick (which I knew nothing himself), is also very resourceful!
Here again, the full blurb:
"Who by the drug at night there stranded
and on the day recognizes the true size,
will belch with various scientists
the window to God."
- Erich Zann (1865-1942), The Lovecraft code, freely interpreted -
An old phonograph rules are pointing to a year-long secret code in Lovecraft. Strange spherical Music leads the cryptographer Zadok to a sunken island, whose emergence from the sea is expected from a group calling itself Dagon heirs. But something is lurking in that island: a thing that would have better forgotten in the hidden depths of the sea should remain ...
"While I drove the schaumumkrönten waves on my rudderless raft to the shore of the island fell, the rain like a waterfall. Flashes shredded the darkness and threw me against stroboscopic images I do not see wanted. I wanted to get away from the destruction, which I headed inexorably towards such an all in the automatic inlet hole, which led directly to hell. But it did not need a Road to hell, I thought. Hell had already found a way to us. Hell was here "
-. Extract from Zadok Report -

Tobias Bachmann
Dagon heirs
Edition Arkham, Basilisk Press, Reichelsheim
Paperback with ca.125 pages
ISBN 3 - 935706-39-1
12.00 EUR

Sunday, March 22, 2009

White Froth From Anus

video Chambers of Horror

is interesting to us because like a nice and very informative video about the lawyers for the telecoms in the hands. If anybody look again:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Japanese Style Manga Font

The trouble continues: Third claim of Seiler & Associates

As expected, lawyers for the telecoms to date not responded to phone calls do not have the last post mentioned fax. Until now it was quiet and we assumed that the wrongfully demanded and the amount transferred was finished. Under a new SU
number Seiler & colleagues are now demanding the same amount again . Is now possible to speculate whether this is the never arrived "second" router. Funny thing is that it is today arrived for payment to the "third reminder " to act. In the aforementioned SU-NO. so far met no a first or second reminder.

Under threat of legal proceedings and the usual threats of tomorrow we will again try to contact Telecom and their legal representatives. The evidence of transfers made end in silence on the part of recipients.

Now we suspect even if we are in case of re-referral to the lawyers again receive reminders on imaginary products of the Telekom - for example, a third router.

All in all, here again is the summary:
was ordered by us, the DSL-Flatrate Call & Surf Comfort with DSL6000, routers, splitters and 100 € credit in order before a certain date.
  • Not a 100 € credit - no one wanted to order with telecom know about it ...
  • get a router, two
  • pay legal fees for Seiler & Kollegen + imaginary products (today at 17:03:09 in the amount of € 182.92 ).

Again we can only guess: think twice before ordering any product in the telecoms! Our case is still not an isolated case ...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wella Koleston Colour Number Chart

Erlangen decline in Nachtfoyer

When Heimatabend on March 5 it comes to Erlangen as a city "between Drahteselro semantics and microelectronics." For a lot of people Location of the passage - but what Erlangen has potential homeland? Is it at all up to date, feelings home to moor at a place? And if not in one place, what then?
In the night the theater lobby Erlangen such questions are the material to build from the
actors and theater students ambiguous worlds. Traveling in the 50's charm of the bells play of light with collective mind games in the past.

At 21:00 clock, in the light bells Play (Hauptstraße 46 91054 Erlangen) it to start. Apart from what is considered experimental mentielles participatory theater offered, I will continue my story "The Fall the city of Erlangen "present.