Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Zippo Flint Imco Lighter

finally air in the Salary Fund - which is still at VfB?

Finally! Better late than never! Honestly, I've given up hope: Bastürk's contract was terminated early . The blunder moves on to Blackburn Rovers and reflects some air in the salary fund. Are we in the remaining days is still active in the transfer market? Perhaps this is something with heat, the Loew advised to switch. That's huge. When I heard that on Sunday in an interview with Loew in sport in Third. Loew to our boys fit for the title and not merely talking in club policy. The action was ungünschtig!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cute Ideas For 2 Year Anniversary

attractiveness of the employer - wallflower VfB

I had to me in recent days strongly rub their eyes, although in this context, the words "well" and were "obviously" is often applied: Ruud van Nistelrooy to HSV. An official report of a successful transfer completion is still out, but the confident messages not decrease. VfB followers as I think, "Gee, but also what would have been for us."

gets Why VfB not the point? The attractiveness as an employer for players with an international reputation is virtually absent. All too clearly, the facts when bickering with Huntelaar, who saw the wallflower VfB only as a game object to drive to other clubs the market price up. What makes the HSV better? Is it the management? Or the city itself? I can not imagine that it is on the money. Of the Champions' League as far removed, both sporty and in marketing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Does Norton Look Like

backward messages in the new Falconer album. We did so now

Dear Readers block today I have a special share time whole post for you , I have risen from Falco's new album and wondered what the once good for us Falco wanted to say in the first track because you do not forward it can understand. This is not a CD error but Backmasking The text was simply written backwards on the cd with the remainder plays forward, if you do not believe me test it yourself what you need:

1: Cd Ripper (Winamp, Windows Media Player)
2 : Falco - The Spirit Never shy
3: Track 1 - Return to Forever
4: Audacity or similar program
5: idea of the user of the program: P

turning Now the song to the program and play it off a little long Sammer and marvel ye and hearing:

"He is always in you"
"He is always in you"
"He is always in you"
"He is always in you"

and next thing I do not quite understand : (?)

"must be good" or "you must be"

"must be good or" you must be "

Demonstrate video (?): http://www. / watch? v = QIZrRWd9n-s

I hope this blog entry fandet a little bit more exciting than my normal: P

nice Greetings

Can I Use Witch Hazel On School Sores

Rose Noire & Dunwich - A Guide

growing end of last year appeared the fantasy anthology "Rose Noire", which was published by Michael Preissl in its newly established publishing Voodoo Press.
Rose Noire - The Black Rose: Wear The stories in this anthology, as well as this rare flower, dark beauties on display, but the reader is warned, roses have thorns, and the blacks are particularly deadly.
The anthology includes stories by Sir Arthur Gordon Wolf, Sören Prescher, Andreas Gruber, Lars Maria Maly, Mark Freier, Tobias Bachmann, Michael Knoke, David Seinsche, David Grashoff, Sven Koessler, Günter Suda, Jörg Kleudgen, Rainer Innreiter, Torsten Scheib and Kealan Patrick Burke.
The paperback has a circumference of 340 pages and is for 14, - €, ISBN 978-3-9502701-0-5 in bookstores or directly relate to the publisher under . The interested reader should hurry, however, because the book is limited to 100 copies.
also limited and already sold out for a long time, the newly published Volume 3 of the edition of the Arkham Basilisk Publisher: "Dunwich - A Travel Guide".
Dunwich - a place of decay and horror. A village, a scene of many scary Operations, is blowing in the smell of rot and decay through the narrow streets. Blight is the centuries-old buildings that seem the ominous glow of the sunset as covered with blood. There are rumors of blasphemous rites that are celebrated in dark vaults, and from nameless horrors that plague the traveler. What terrible secrets lurking in the ruined village, which lies deep in the mountains of Massachusetts? Is there an escape from the power of evil?
Patrick J. Grieser invites you on a journey into one of the darkest spots of Massachusetts. The Dunwich guide contains a collection of eerie tales myth Tobias Bachmann, Jason Brannon, Rainer Innreiter, Sören Prescher, Thomas R. Riley, Günter Suda, Uwe Vöhl Gordon and Arthur Wolf.
The paperback with the ISBN 3-935706-46-4 and was at a price of 14, - € already widely sold out before publication, which is due to the strict limitation of the edition of 99 copies, Arkham. Pre and subscribers to keep the book is already long in their hands.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Funny Wedding Invitation Content For Friends


and there is still not much new to report my academic performance are all in all good, and I am confident that this will remain so. Otherwise, I've Yesterday on the flap down * grrr * damn ice and snow, I hope this summer will be back soon. In this moment where I write here just the blog I update on my desktop computer when this was done quite some time no longer.

Jow would eigetlich all there is to account of as

wish all readers once again a happy new year and good luck and blessings


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bandana Snowboard How To Tie

Here we go again - New trouble with Telekom!

Year end and the beginning of the telecom seem to mock his favorite time customers. One year "after" there are already new trouble with Telekom - who would have thought it?

This time it's our last telecom products, a phone with T-Mobile contract.
end of August 2009, we had resolved our nation bank account and opted for another at the post office bank. The telecom bill, and all other points of telephone, electricity, water and so on have received timely written notice with the revised data collection. It has worked everywhere - except in the Telekom ...

came on time then even a Prompt payment on the phone bill with payment form + fee for mail and failing booking. The outstanding amount was paid and for the quick-thinkers, there was again a letter - to the telecom course only by registered letter with return receipt.
The following month, again the same theater. Even after the second letter with a clear reference to recent account information. The payment form was paid the fee for posting letters and unsuccessful this time, do not! Now a call to follow the changed account details clear at last - "... no problem, we do everything ...".

The November statement
commitment and also by telephone the previous two letters to our favorite company still has no idea where the money is einzubuchen. But this time without the payment request, but a reminder with 10, - € penalty.
paid invoice, reminder fees are not!

December ...
almost in tears we were almost clear, which had to mean the 'Registry of Grauens'-mail from the Mailbox. It was a court has been asked to take action against us if the amount due from the 400, - € will not be settled quickly. Be nice just yet, grant we are a monthly payment over 40, - €. cardiac arrest! € 400??
All bills were paid!
featured After closer investigation we find however, that this involved the bill from December to end of contract ! Since we belong to the so-called "difficult customers" you have turned off the phone and we summarily put the remainder into account. * Breathe *...

to instruct a lawyer these machinations - if at all becomes quite obvious in such a huge company - to examine in more detail once we can afford, of course, still do not. There is no legal aid in court, it's not anymore ....
Maybe we should soon be time for compensation from Deutsche Telekom for this excess demand Annoyances! I am thinking to a newspaper article with the public demand for payment !!!!!
We give in and pay the telecom once again wrongly required amounts - we have plenty of coal! Do not know which service provider we take in the future, Deutsche Telekom will however not be!