Saturday, March 6, 2010

What Battery On My Moped 12v?


Emerald Snow Globe Viewer (version

+ HTTP get-Texture
+ Runs well on weak computers
+ attractions visitable from direct login screen, built-in camera

+ + XML Export & Import Object
+ Temporary Image Upload
+ Encryption of IM texts
+ Many skins to choose
+ Clothing Layer Protection + CryoLife Detection
+ Restrained Life Functions (RLVA)
+ Custom CMD line commands
+ build options can be adjusted before
+ Many useful additional functions (Ground Sit, double-Teleport, etc.)

- No Second Life 2.0 Engine
- Get HTTP Error (sculpty some grass textures do not load hot)
- No shadow representation + Lighting Effects + Projected textures)


Kirsten S19 1.19.0 (385)

+ Second Life 2.0 features
+ LL plugin system
+ Cheat sheet on the login screen
+ Light selection
+ HTTP get-Texture
+ Many graphic settings (debug options in the menu)
+ Many useful additional functions (double-click teleport)
+ Function (shadow representation + + Lighting Effects Projected textures)
+ proxy login function
+ Sound cache
+ translate text using Google (Snow Globe 2.0 function)
+ own UI

- Runs Poorly on weaker systems (crash, Long load times, low frame rate)
- Alpha Texture Bug (white border around Alpha textures to right click on Texture)
- less extras than Emerald
- Higher system requirements

system reference to the test:

The Emerald Viewer:
The Emerald Snow Globe
Viewer (version I use default, both on my laptop as also on my desktop computer, they can call on the reference link, the Emerald Viewer shank it thanks HTTP get function the world in a short loading time to build my frame rate is no avatars and many objects at close to 17 frames per second with avatars and objects Maximum land I at 11 frames per second at least 4-5 frames per second (ATI does not use video memory for Open GL applications see: ). With my old Geforce 6600GT I have always come up to 20 frames and a minimum of 7 frames per second.

The HTTP get function:

This makes the textures are loaded via HTTP and does not achieve such default, the UDP Snow Globe Emerald viewer a very fast world and texture structure and passes through charging less load on weak systems almost free fall.

additional functions:

The Emerald Viewer has various additional functions, interacting in the virtual world or improve and simplify. About the built-in camera you can for example access to profiles of people in the area to teleport back to them, offer them a teleport and perform many other useful features. Further, the avatar through the "fly everywhere" fly everywhere in zones where flying is locked, the same goes for the "Sit on ground," they function by the user can sit anywhere without a primary need to rez. Furthermore, the viewer has a "Clothing Protection" to prevent the one offered by the Avatar Copy copies, hung on to This "Clothing Protection" we still have an active "CryoLife recognition" (elder Copy Bot) the bot User Quick Copy and effectively expose soll.Ein Another interesting extra in The Emerald Viewer you can customize the options before construction (for example, create a default texture to the newly created prim or change its shape). Last but not least I-would like to talk about the possibilities have to do with IM. There are first the ability to send their messages encrypted which prevents hackers and read along the Linden staff is. this function is called OTR and is an additional service offered on the Internet where you can register for free, the 2nd is there a way to seek announce the messages have been faster if they know someone anschreibt and can react immediately.

Kirsten S19 1.19.0 (385) (Kirsten Viewer)
The Viewer is an experimental Second Life Viewer is designed especially for high-end systems, this is also the chief System Requirements latest begründen.Der sprouted this viewer build S19 (385) has already integrated the Second Life 2.0 engine what should be future-pointing for the upcoming Second Life Viewer Third Party, he also owns, as well as the Emerald Viewer HTTP get to Textures download more quickly. Kirsten on The S19 (385) are my frame rate on the reference system with Max: 20 / Low: 10 frames per second without avatars and objects in the picture, with avatars and objects falling on the Framrate 7-3 frames per second. I justify this time with the higher system requirements of the Kirsten Viewer Provides to the system.

The HTTP get function:

Works on my reference system is very slow without HTTP get-think of loading the textures to the first place. Furthermore, you can see the textures of the loading on slower systems, which I think is not very nice but the change is again a matter of opinion.

additional functions:

kirsten The Viewer as the Emerald Viewer offers some useful additional functions to the interacting with the virtual world is to simplify, because once the would have known from the Emerald Viewer Double Teleport "with the simple teleport over the entire sim is possible to further provide the Kirsten viewer the possibility of a Socks 5 proxy to Second Life Connecting to what is to increase the security of the User. Because of kirsten Viewer attaches great importance to optimization were some graphical extras fitted such as "shadow representation (on deferred renderer)" "Defferred lights" and "Projected textures" to create shadows, lighting effects and textures to project what the game with current hardware macht.zusätzlich very clearly there is an LL- Plugin system with which you can plug directly loaded into the Viewer. were also some intriguing options to debug existing in the menu for what it the normal user makes it easier to find these options and to select. Another cool extra is the last and light indicating a selection where you just hovers over it with your mouse to be really a second life 2.0 feature that was later removed adoption of these older still cool Second Life 2.0 function.


Viewer Emerald: The Emerald Viewer is the all-rounder among the Second Life Viewer'n he has a good base to build from version to version in this release wird.Er offers many extras the life in Second life as easy as possible. The performance on slower computers is appropriate and there are very few problems with crashing computers with the Viewer.Auf stronger hardware it runs well. Currently offers the viewer no integration of Second Life 2.0 which will change soon and we also can contact us with The Emerald Viewer 2.0 again looking forward to a new version of Snow Globe.

Kirsten Viewer: The Viewer is a very great tool for high-end systems and offers a lot of games in Second Life enhance Graphically, additional functions fall but in contrast to the Emerald viewer rather thin. the second life 2.0 integration is trend for third party viewer. the stability of the viewer is unfortunately very much on the computer Hardware from people with a strong computer should have no problems to use the viewer and Kirsten can also thanks to the optimization of a performance boost profit. I recommend people with weaker computers rather the Emerald viewer there since he brings a high-performance power than the Kirsten Viewer.

General: I can only recommend people to both viewer to watch both have parts to and from which it is up to you which view he prefers.

Emerald Viewer: (In Review Snow Globe Version)

Kirsten Viewer: 20Viewers/Windows/S20 /