Saturday, May 8, 2010

4187, Curtailment, Example

false friends! Second Life Viewer

false friends, there are a dime a dozen!

False Friends grin at you behind your back and sharpen the knife already!

false friends use you out to bid you then like to drop ne potato! To

false friends, it is not too bad if they leave one!

False friends leave one in greatest need! lie

tell false friends make fun of you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lost Us Visa Application Id

sign of life

If for months with me doing nothing (be it on this blog, my website, or the various forums on which I write), so this is no means of disinterest, laziness or other ... It is because I'm busy time in full. But since I already have achieved several concerned emails, I would like to take advantage of the situation, give a life sign from me.
What am I doing all this time? Well, besides work, family, rebuilding, and many other everyday things (which keep me very busy), I am primarily concerned with balance in the most impossible positions a heavy file folders on my lap, and they contain almost 900 To edit pages of text with a red pencil. It is the first revision phase of a new novel, a joint project with Sören Prescher . The first revision
thrives that strikes many of the scenes, these supplemented by twice as many scenes, and at least once more describes so many scenes. The picture above shows there's a relatively harmless edited page of the manuscript. What it is I tell at this point, of course. I changed my habit to talk about unfinished eggs. Also, I do not like to speculate, appear when and to what is publishing the novel. Currently there are only a few verbal agreements.
is ripe for something up, however, must also do the thing the first time in the second phase of the review. Then there will be a third. And in between I read my recent look at the fan ... uh ... ;-) to

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wedding Planner Files

WEDO at the SIT 2010 Chemnitz

SIT On the fourth for this year times held Saxon industry and technology fair in Chemnitz SIT will report the WEDO molding and plastics processing GmbH their capabilities to an audience. This offers us an excellent opportunity to deepen our customer contacts, but also to forge new contacts with potential customers. We look forward to interesting discussions and expect you up at Stand F10 of TGZ Bautzen in the exhibition hall 1