Wednesday, December 31, 2008

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I wish in this way you all a happy new year, so that all your wishes come true: happiness, health and good intentions. I also recommend
you: Eat more fortune cookies!
was written in my "Let your imagination run wild, success is guaranteed.."
Well, I will heed and do everything that my imagination well oiled through the new year rush. After all, once again a lot planned. Dagon heirs call already.
Otherwise, I still proclaim that 2009 is offline for me begins. Because I'm not allowed to change providers mid-January into the grid. As long as there is again nothing to do with emails. I therefore ask for your patience.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

After Scabies Treatment Still Get Bumps


The third reminder, or threatened legal actions have so far yet to come - the only question is how long.
Today at 13.12.2008 was the third fax and like themselves as registered, so the second letter.

Here we decided to go with the same tone a bit harder and the phrase "I dare this behavior to be interpreted as deceit " in the program.

  • credit, but no credit, but again credit, credit can not be offset against hardware
  • never ordered the "second" router
  • reminders
  • No reactions
  • Fictitious Cancellation confirmation
What deceit is this .. What else?
We will see whether the telecom mercy to fax the letter and respond to - we do not believe it - but here keep you posted!

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Post by Telekom!

On the last of the two faxes a reply came from the telecom, what wonder! The last sentence of this second fax was " Should this does not do in my view, unjustified warnings, I will return immediately delivered speed port to you and me find a new provider " - that the Telekom probably taken too literally and us in this letter a cancellation confirmation (!) Sent.

What can we say now ... great? A cancellation confirmation , dated to be wrong ...

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The contradiction of the letter and the two faxes

opposition said we had sent the same evening via fax to the called number. This week
course nothing happened so we sent the fax I move again. Moreover, whether the said letter by registered mail to the Telekom was never answered. was advancing

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The 100 € credit

After the second reminder, we have immediately the telecom Kundenservce called and asked why we are now calculated two routers.
again said is that two had been ordered. We tried to clarify the matter, a "first" router (from 17:09:08) we have never received, and the second, at least one of them should, but this 100 credit will be charged € ...?!!

led Suddenly, the lady at the other end, a loud, "What credit for a credit ?". No one at the Telekom knew anything about a 100 € credit ...
After we had checked in the order confirmation and this credit was listed there also we had this course presented.

Suddenly we knew again what a credit we talked! Sorry, but too early happy. Quote of the lady on the phone: " I'm sorry, but the hardware is not always set off against such income ." - What we were on the phone when ordering but expressly promised .
We remained the case that we should send a fax number called a contradiction, and this would then be processed in the same week yet.

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The first problems

Four weeks after the connection of a sudden reminder of the Telekom fluttered into the house. An invoice for € 56.98 of the Speedport W 701V router, but the there should be charged with the alleged credit.
have course we immediately called the customer service and informs us. We were told that would have been delivered on 12.9.2008, a router, and at 9.18, a second order. We tried to clarify that we have received only one reminder was told what to router that the reminders are set pending resolution of the matter.
Two weeks later, was already the second warning about € 113.96 and two Speedport W 701V router.

was followed by this second warning, a registered ...

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The connection

Just one day before the connection, on 14/09/2008 was the leader for free and the access of telecom have been in my Fritz! Accepted. The long was difficult, in fact, to crack as the Assistant for our Mac operating systems is available - but it worked after finding out everything perfectly!

A day after the connection speed port router was still not arrived, so we have asked the telecom customer. recognize

How is prompt was a standard "please wait" response.
the following Monday, he finally arrived by mail. Chic particles and the configuration was very easy to understand for lay!

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The beginning

Dissatisfied with Alice DSL because of persistent connection failures, we have decided in July 2008 a new entrant to . Search
opportunity came as the German Telekom with an action to "Call & Surf Comfort" for 35, - per month. Germany Flat, DSL6000, all in one account - the fitted hat!

Well then we ordered by phone Call & Surf Comfort. The nice fellow asked if we would need hardware. Yes, of course, since Alice will be back. A Speedport W 701V WLAN. By this action, we received a 100 € Gutscheift, they literally meant that the router would be charged with this credit.

So far so good, the confirmation came a few days later, properly and as promised, Telekom had our old Alice Treaty terminated. On 15 September 2008 should be the connection in time (it was called in confirmation) should arrive the hardware consisting of routers, splitters and access data from us. In fact, a few days before we reached the interface at 12:09:08 splitter and the access - the router was still coming.