Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blood Donation Pamphlate

Mario Gomez polarized

was all "a bit nicer, bigger and better than it previously was the case with me," Mario Gomez says to his employer. One can be divided, as the following e-mail traffic shows with friends. Since I praise the "CC" feature - the Cologne Jung still enjoyed in silence, that's always amusing:

stumbling block: the article in the colleagues of 11 friends one of the first Gomez-training. Subsequently, a loyal follower of VfB:

response of the supposedly neutral observer:

Then the lack of agreement injured VfB follower:

The neutral observer comes across as neither one thing nor:

Now sounds like an old VfB rabbit into the action, season ticket holders and already in the Neckar Stadium, as Maradona to Naples for a visit was:

The VfB follower may not, the neutral observer has the last word:


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