Monday, November 16, 2009

Should You Put Eye Cream On The Eyelid

good friends in Second Life

needs friends if any in real life or on 2 life they are make life interesting!

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Sugar: You're a very funny and can not associate with the man make everyone shit, I hope you are going long will remain in second Life:)

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Niran: You are a very friendly fellow and we can discuss for hours with you hope you'll be with us obtained.

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Merevin: You are very humorous ne Furry loving mother / wife and friend to me and the other furry brood, I'm looking forward to the up times Osercon life experience: D

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Thomas: Yes, what size should I say to you you're the most important in my life in Second Life and in Real Life , You know what I mean: D

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Mavis: A very nice guy, and trustworthy man: P

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