Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Is The Start Of Shingles Like

Poldi Mania, Poldiauweia?

Look, look. Even the opinion makers of mirror online have sat on the ass and written a few lines about the current plight of our prince . I find great that even the great journalists struggle with the same little problems as the small sports blogger next door: You need the much cited "content". Full must be the page, completely full. Because let's be honest: How much news is true but not in there. Poldi has ne crisis. Really? After scoreless minutes, the 1123 is now the sports editors of mirror online pre lures behind the oven. My opinion: not all that bad. Just in time for Carnival to Poldi is slowly but surely eingrooven again - and regain its former strength. If not ... care. Poldi is Kölle, Kölle is Poldi. There he is zo Hus and there he is getting old. And if, on the road to retirement now and then shoots a wicket for the FC, looking forward, I really happy about it.


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