Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bendroflumethiazide With Peptac

My little fine collection

Hello people , In this blog I want to present my small collection of Windows first, I would like to introduce you to the Windows 9x series in a later blog follows then look at the Windows NT series so much fun.

Windows 3.11:

Windows 3.11 was the first Windows operating system (or a graphical shell for DOS) which I own, it ran at me then enriched on a 3.86 computer from 6 years old and had my life. Reports on the stability of the operating system at that time thought the days of 16bit is not very much heufig the applications crashed just off Sun later there was still a 32 bit extension to the stability of the system but not much shaking.

  • Internet Explorer 3.0 Internet Explorer 5.0 (16bit) Microsoft Word 6
  • Microsoft Excel (2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
  • Windows Media Player 5.2 Beta

Windows 95: The successor
Windows 95 operating system that was thrown with the largest for its time advertising campaign launched in 1995. There were some technical improvements over Windows 3.11
These included: 32
  • Complete bit protected mode operating system, unlike Windows 3.1 MS-DOS is no longer necessary to separate
  • Preemptive Multitasking and multithreading ("Multi-threaded"), improves the reactivity of the operating system and allows programs to work smoothly in the background
  • 32-bit file systems like VFAT, CDFS, and Network redirectors
  • 32-bit device drivers for the entire system and with an extended address spaces
  • kernel completely dynamic in 32 bits, memory management, process scheduling and management
  • robust against bugs, better removal of code after the end of the faulty program (with memory protection and centralized storage management)
  • system configuration reduces the need reconfiguration of the user
Source: Wikipedia
The user interface of Windows 95 is very similar to the surface developed by IBM OS2 which is sometimes because the Mircosoft was working with IBM on Windows 95 added. Over the years, various versions of Windows 95 released
name publication Build No.

Windows 95 - 4.00.950 11th July 1995 4.00.950
Windows 95a - 4.00.950A February 1996 ; 4.00.950
Windows 95b - 4.00.950B August 1996 4.00.1111
Windows 95b - 4.00.950B May 1997 03/04/1212 u. 04/03/1214
Windows 95c - 4.00.950C end of 1997 04/03/1214

Source: Wikipedia
  • Microsoft Plus 95 Microsoft Plus for Kids
  • Microsoft Office 95
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 Microsoft Office 97
Windows 98 / SE:

The successor of Windows 95 is still a 16/32bit OS Hybrit which further builds on Dos. New features to Windows 95 are:

  • Full session USB Support
  • WDM driver architecture
  • better AGP support
  • support multiple monitors and ACPI
  • FAT32 file system
  • Active Desktop Windows Explorer
  • Verbesserter
  • DirectX 6.1 (Windows 98 SE)
  • Internet Explorer 5.0 (Windows 98 SE)
  • Windows Media Player 6.1 (Windows 98 SE)
Bezeichnung ; Build Veröffentlichung Nr

Windows 98 25 June 1998            1998
Windows 98SE         5 May 1999              2222a
  •  Microsoft Plus 98
  • Microsoft Office 97
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 / 5.0

Microsoft Windows ME:

Windows ME (Millennium Edition ) appeared in September of 2000

improvements are only in the region more stable drivers and support for modern hardware, The Öberfläche Windows Me reminds except for a few more smaller schönheitskorekturen
98th to the Windows Classic

hardware support:

  • UPnP, hard drives with 128 GB capacity
  • processors up to 1Ghz
  • better USB and FireWire support
Source: Wikipedia
Software: Microsoft Office 2000
  • Microsoft Windows Media Player 7
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5

So at the point I make now for a little break in my next blog entry will get my operating system, the Windows NT series:)


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