Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tamil Marraige Invitation Kavithai Samples

The antioxidant N-acetylcysteine has been used as an expectorant in various lung diseases - now, the growth-inhibiting effect of the agent used to the stronger growth of skin cells in ichtyosis, a hereditary skin disease to . reduce Even after 5 weeks were found in a subject in which the antioxidant was applied as a cream, improvements. The antioxidant reversibly engages in the growth cycle of skin cells, thus reducing the abnormally increased cell growth. Advantages of the new drug are the non-toxic and hypo-allergic action.

first Redondo P, Bauzá A. Topical N-acetylcysteine for lamellar ichtyosis. The lancet 1999, 354; No 9193.
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5. Sekharam M, Trotti A, Cunnick JM, Wu J. Suppression of fibroblast cell cycle progression in G1 phase by N-acetylcysteine. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 1998; 149: 210-16.


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