Thursday, October 8, 2009

Warts In A Line On Stomach

not fantastic

Last night I was surprised to some extent. Had not counted on the presence of Sebastian Deisler for star TV. The short play was again, what a superb footballer but Deisler - too bad, too bad ... But after his interview was quite remarkable: So right out of the woods does not Deisler still, many repetitions in answering the questions that still employs him his departure from Hertha much more than that but really should. Over, door to closing time. Only: So simple is probably not all.

I very much hope that Deisler gets its act together and - eventually - will be lucky. Whether a book is the right way though? I do not know. He tried but to solve his dilemma with the same methods that brought him three years ago to his momentous decision. He is once again in public, using the mass media to make clear to ship returns to the big stage. I wish Sebastian Deisler really think that it all works as it is expected to. Is a fine fellow who has too much brains in the brains of a business where you would be better at the right time but want to draft.


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