Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hyderabad Gay Meeting Points

Postal macabre satire about 9 / 11 Viewer

of the foundations of a satire, it is of course to make things exaggerated adherence to the one and the other thing funny at Postal I wonder if we only ever have the right events for so terrible as 9 / 11 make this form of fun. I believe that it violated the victims' families and that is what a satire of my knowledge not intended to express. I'll be looking at the film the way through it and hope I'm not the only person who thinks so about the movie. In the end I leave it to each course, own devices if he can reconcile his conscience to laugh at such events.

wish you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Covert Hidden Car Antennas

Nachtgeschichten X

ripened in the dark November hours of the year 1996 in four Schweinfurt authors of the idea, the master of psychological well-founded horror, Edgar Allan Poe to follow, and host a reading, which should be devoted to the dark side of man, and especially concerning self- written contributions of the authors read contained. The NIGHT STORIES were born.
The successful series is now celebrating its tenth anniversary . One thing is certain: The Frankish dreamers will go again and this time without regard for losses to the edges of reality and disturbing, exhilarating, amazing, bizarre, grotesque, arabesque, Kafkaesque stories from the wrinkled area of modern and timeless deserts chimeras by candlelight to bring hearing. Markus K. basket , Stefan E. Pfister , Tobias Bachmann and Victoria Spahn will sweep you into a vortex of power and performance. Just in time for reading the book " SHOCK THERAPY. 10-year night stories" will be published. Thomas Sax accompanies the literature of fear on the piano. Of course, we will mark the special occasion - we write "X night stories" - Superlative come up with something to reward the audience for his years of loyalty. There
Tickets for the spooky evening in advance for 6, - € plus booking fee in Schweinfurt, in the bookstore Collibri, as well at the box office in Stattbahnhof in Schweinfurt, for 8, - €.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Squash Courts In London Clapham

Vincent Price for Dagon heirs

Granted, at the construction site to the rebuilding my home now mutated, I would have the nomination of my novel "Dagon heirs" hardly noticed. That "Dagon heirs" in the category "Best Horror Novel 2009" but still occupies the first place, so I would never, ever expected. Although the Ergebnist has been extremely scarce. With just one point ahead, followed closely by "The Kiss of Medusa" my very dear colleague Uwe Vöhl.
And then I could not even be present at the ceremony to the Vincent Price in person to make and receive. I would however, have liked. After all, it is the first award of its kind that I have ever ever received in my life. But his own wedding was nevertheless important. Especially since the novel without my wife would never have arisen.
have I then also mentioned in my acceptance speech, which you can on the blog of Vincent read price. Do not worry, as long as it has not taken.
Well, the reconstruction still takes a while - I think in October I will be my new home and thus can also buy my new work. Then, finally wrote back, and - what is long overdue: my site to be reviewed. Urgently required ie more than an update, but simply lack the time.
And something takes place in October. Two readings: on the one second and the other on 3 October at Franconia's largest book sale, the action saves book of life , San-Shine-camp on the small Brombachsee - sometime 9:00 to 18:00 clock. Paper Saving lives is a great organization with which I've planned a few more projects that will have to wait but, until I finally sit in my new office. Time it is. My head explodes from sheer ideas soon.
I would be appreciate it, see you at my reading on the book flea market.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tally Software Exceptionc0000005 Repair

Emerald Death now what!

Dear readers and reader,

A few days ago, in Second Life again changed some of the Emerald Viewer is officially dead but do not worry some of the old devs have come together to form a new team and have been working on the continuation of the Emerald eifrieg Viewers with a new name Phoenix, I suggest all users who used to present the viewer Emerald alternatively have a switch to this new viewer before.


However, I would also mention another viewer here the statement is true, according to the LGG again in the Phoenix team will not be developed further cooperate, but the same functions as the Phoenix or Ex Emerald Viewer owns:


I hope you continue to have much fun in SL will be like I

Nogardrevlis Lectar

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bendroflumethiazide With Peptac

My little fine collection

Hello people , In this blog I want to present my small collection of Windows first, I would like to introduce you to the Windows 9x series in a later blog follows then look at the Windows NT series so much fun.

Windows 3.11:

Windows 3.11 was the first Windows operating system (or a graphical shell for DOS) which I own, it ran at me then enriched on a 3.86 computer from 6 years old and had my life. Reports on the stability of the operating system at that time thought the days of 16bit is not very much heufig the applications crashed just off Sun later there was still a 32 bit extension to the stability of the system but not much shaking.

  • Internet Explorer 3.0 Internet Explorer 5.0 (16bit) Microsoft Word 6
  • Microsoft Excel (2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
  • Windows Media Player 5.2 Beta

Windows 95: The successor
Windows 95 operating system that was thrown with the largest for its time advertising campaign launched in 1995. There were some technical improvements over Windows 3.11
These included: 32
  • Complete bit protected mode operating system, unlike Windows 3.1 MS-DOS is no longer necessary to separate
  • Preemptive Multitasking and multithreading ("Multi-threaded"), improves the reactivity of the operating system and allows programs to work smoothly in the background
  • 32-bit file systems like VFAT, CDFS, and Network redirectors
  • 32-bit device drivers for the entire system and with an extended address spaces
  • kernel completely dynamic in 32 bits, memory management, process scheduling and management
  • robust against bugs, better removal of code after the end of the faulty program (with memory protection and centralized storage management)
  • system configuration reduces the need reconfiguration of the user
Source: Wikipedia
The user interface of Windows 95 is very similar to the surface developed by IBM OS2 which is sometimes because the Mircosoft was working with IBM on Windows 95 added. Over the years, various versions of Windows 95 released
name publication Build No.

Windows 95 - 4.00.950 11th July 1995 4.00.950
Windows 95a - 4.00.950A February 1996 ; 4.00.950
Windows 95b - 4.00.950B August 1996 4.00.1111
Windows 95b - 4.00.950B May 1997 03/04/1212 u. 04/03/1214
Windows 95c - 4.00.950C end of 1997 04/03/1214

Source: Wikipedia
  • Microsoft Plus 95 Microsoft Plus for Kids
  • Microsoft Office 95
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 Microsoft Office 97
Windows 98 / SE:

The successor of Windows 95 is still a 16/32bit OS Hybrit which further builds on Dos. New features to Windows 95 are:

  • Full session USB Support
  • WDM driver architecture
  • better AGP support
  • support multiple monitors and ACPI
  • FAT32 file system
  • Active Desktop Windows Explorer
  • Verbesserter
  • DirectX 6.1 (Windows 98 SE)
  • Internet Explorer 5.0 (Windows 98 SE)
  • Windows Media Player 6.1 (Windows 98 SE)
Bezeichnung ; Build Veröffentlichung Nr

Windows 98 25 June 1998            1998
Windows 98SE         5 May 1999              2222a
  •  Microsoft Plus 98
  • Microsoft Office 97
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 / 5.0

Microsoft Windows ME:

Windows ME (Millennium Edition ) appeared in September of 2000

improvements are only in the region more stable drivers and support for modern hardware, The Öberfläche Windows Me reminds except for a few more smaller schönheitskorekturen
98th to the Windows Classic

hardware support:

  • UPnP, hard drives with 128 GB capacity
  • processors up to 1Ghz
  • better USB and FireWire support
Source: Wikipedia
Software: Microsoft Office 2000
  • Microsoft Windows Media Player 7
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5

So at the point I make now for a little break in my next blog entry will get my operating system, the Windows NT series:)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Do I Stop My Shower Dripping

Windows systems on which Second Life runs at me

I want to show you my systems on which Second Life runs with me.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Breast Milking Milena Velba

Windows 98 Plus for Windows 7 * Update *

German: Hi folks, I've edited the Plus 98 package for Windows 7 again and adjusted the entire colors and fonts to the correct Plus package, but this time I was a Virtual PC with Windows 98 zurseite here are some impressions from the update:)

English: Hi, I have edited the 98 Plus package for Windows 7 again and adjusted the colors and fonts to the entire right Plus package, but this time it was a Virtual PC with Windows 98 on my site here are some impressions from the update:)

Download Link: http://www.dhkaufmann.de/Florian/Plus98Win7.rar

* Update * Download Aero Themes: www .dhkaufmann.de/Florian/Plus_98_Aero Themes.rar


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gum Grafting Ppr And Alloderm

Windows 98 Plus pack for Windows 7

Huhu Guys, I've even made the effort to the Windows build 98 Plus package for Windows 7, I have crafted the colors, icons, wallpaper, sounds, mouse and fonts on some issues on Windows 7 readjusted, as a template I had to adjust the original files from Plus 98, and Youtube videos to the colors of the window by eye. I think it is impressions I have managed very well here are some:

Hi Guys, I've created the Windows 98 Plus package for Windows 7, I have crafted the colors, icons, wallpaper, sounds, mouse pointers, and had been readjusted and fonts for Windows 7, I had adapt the original files from Plus 98, and used a Youtube videos to adjust the colors. I think I have managed it very well here a couple of impressions:

video themes

Video Screen Saver For example: http://www
? .youtube.com / watch v = D6H_Aqu8ko0


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Phantome Voorversterker

Second Life once again:)

Jow hello people, today I want to again a little about Second Life and talk but what is currently on the market at current viewers. Get this post to keep as current as possible and then you can see her more if available at your Viewer is an update

Second Life Viewer 1.23 (deprecated) + (available)

Description: The current standard viewer of Second Life Viewer first generation is still over on the Official Linden website available to all entrants and the standard Second Life viewer.


Second Life Viewer 2.4.0 (Build 216 989) (to be developed)

Description: The current Second Life Viewer 2.4.0 with a revised standard Web browser like interface is available on the official Linden webpage. Second Life for all entrants and the standard viewer of the 2nd generation.


Emerald Viewer 1.23.5 (Build 1635) (deprecated) + (not available)

Description: The latest third-party viewer from the House of Modular Systems can come up with a lot of extra features and is therefore the Second Life professionals with a solid base. The viewer is not Emerald more developed, but there are a viewer of its history continues.

Emerald Viewer 1.3.2 (Build 2270 Beta) * Update * (deprecated) + (not available)

Description: The latest beta viewer from the House of modular system, it is a Second Life Viewer is the second generation, but measured at the interface of the first generation. In this beta version are already a lot of features from the current Snow Globe Viewer second generation and the current Emerald Viewer 1.23.5 (Build 1635) have been ported. He is like the name says still beta and not quite finished and Bug free (Use at your own risk)

Phoenix Viewer ( (to be developed)

From Ashe rose from the Emerald viewer with identical functions as the Emerald viewers and new ones are worse for wear functions.


Kirsten S19 (386) (no longer supported) + (not available)

Description: The Current Kirsten Viewer of the first generation, as it offers the advanced Kirsten S20 Functions and a revised performance on the basis of the Second Life Viewer 1.23 for high-end PC systems.

Kirsten S20 (45) * Update * (to be developed)

Description: The Current Kirsten the viewer based on the Second Life Viewer 2.4.0 based. The viewer advanced features and a full indoor revised offers the performance especially on high end systems can provide for a visual treat.

http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Downloads/Public% 20Viewers/Windows
Ascent ( ) is (deprecated)

Ascent is one viewer of for builders, developers and Estate was Written managers as
branch of Inertia Copy Bot developed clients and has, however, no copy bot functions (TPV-compliant). Furthermore, it contains many features from other viewers.

Emergence ( (to be developed) (only security-related fixes)

The Emergence Emerged as a direct clone of the Emerald viewer and the user should provide a viewer with an approved
binaries and Soucecode, side version ( it is based on source code from the Phoenix Viewer and offers the same functions.

Dolphin ( (Will be deprecated)

It is based on the Snow Globe 1.5 and enthusiasts offers many features and enhancements for explorers, sailors and vehicle .


Imprudence (1.3.0) (to be developed)

The goal the Imprudence is to improve the user interface and increase the usability of the viewer about their own community are vebesserungen and patches included in the viewer.


I hope you found at this selection, the right viewer for your needs, thank you for reading until next time * wink *


Saturday, May 8, 2010

4187, Curtailment, Example

false friends! Second Life Viewer

false friends, there are a dime a dozen!

False Friends grin at you behind your back and sharpen the knife already!

false friends use you out to bid you then like to drop ne potato! To

false friends, it is not too bad if they leave one!

False friends leave one in greatest need! lie

tell false friends make fun of you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lost Us Visa Application Id

sign of life

If for months with me doing nothing (be it on this blog, my website, or the various forums on which I write), so this is no means of disinterest, laziness or other ... It is because I'm busy time in full. But since I already have achieved several concerned emails, I would like to take advantage of the situation, give a life sign from me.
What am I doing all this time? Well, besides work, family, rebuilding, and many other everyday things (which keep me very busy), I am primarily concerned with balance in the most impossible positions a heavy file folders on my lap, and they contain almost 900 To edit pages of text with a red pencil. It is the first revision phase of a new novel, a joint project with Sören Prescher . The first revision
thrives that strikes many of the scenes, these supplemented by twice as many scenes, and at least once more describes so many scenes. The picture above shows there's a relatively harmless edited page of the manuscript. What it is I tell at this point, of course. I changed my habit to talk about unfinished eggs. Also, I do not like to speculate, appear when and to what is publishing the novel. Currently there are only a few verbal agreements.
is ripe for something up, however, must also do the thing the first time in the second phase of the review. Then there will be a third. And in between I read my recent look at the fan ... uh ... ;-) to

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wedding Planner Files

WEDO at the SIT 2010 Chemnitz

SIT On the fourth for this year times held Saxon industry and technology fair in Chemnitz SIT will report the WEDO molding and plastics processing GmbH their capabilities to an audience. This offers us an excellent opportunity to deepen our customer contacts, but also to forge new contacts with potential customers. We look forward to interesting discussions and expect you up at Stand F10 of TGZ Bautzen in the exhibition hall 1

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What Battery On My Moped 12v?


Emerald Snow Globe Viewer (version

+ HTTP get-Texture
+ Runs well on weak computers
+ attractions visitable from direct login screen, built-in camera

+ + XML Export & Import Object
+ Temporary Image Upload
+ Encryption of IM texts
+ Many skins to choose
+ Clothing Layer Protection + CryoLife Detection
+ Restrained Life Functions (RLVA)
+ Custom CMD line commands
+ build options can be adjusted before
+ Many useful additional functions (Ground Sit, double-Teleport, etc.)

- No Second Life 2.0 Engine
- Get HTTP Error (sculpty some grass textures do not load hot)
- No shadow representation + Lighting Effects + Projected textures)


Kirsten S19 1.19.0 (385)

+ Second Life 2.0 features
+ LL plugin system
+ Cheat sheet on the login screen
+ Light selection
+ HTTP get-Texture
+ Many graphic settings (debug options in the menu)
+ Many useful additional functions (double-click teleport)
+ Function (shadow representation + + Lighting Effects Projected textures)
+ proxy login function
+ Sound cache
+ translate text using Google (Snow Globe 2.0 function)
+ own UI

- Runs Poorly on weaker systems (crash, Long load times, low frame rate)
- Alpha Texture Bug (white border around Alpha textures to right click on Texture)
- less extras than Emerald
- Higher system requirements

system reference to the test: http://www.sysprofile.de/id126789

The Emerald Viewer:
The Emerald Snow Globe
Viewer (version I use default, both on my laptop as also on my desktop computer, they can call on the reference link, the Emerald Viewer shank it thanks HTTP get function the world in a short loading time to build my frame rate is no avatars and many objects at close to 17 frames per second with avatars and objects Maximum land I at 11 frames per second at least 4-5 frames per second (ATI does not use video memory for Open GL applications see: http://forums.amd.com/game/messageview.cfm?catid=279&threadid=108194 ). With my old Geforce 6600GT I have always come up to 20 frames and a minimum of 7 frames per second.

The HTTP get function:

This makes the textures are loaded via HTTP and does not achieve such default, the UDP Snow Globe Emerald viewer a very fast world and texture structure and passes through charging less load on weak systems almost free fall.

additional functions:

The Emerald Viewer has various additional functions, interacting in the virtual world or improve and simplify. About the built-in camera you can for example access to profiles of people in the area to teleport back to them, offer them a teleport and perform many other useful features. Further, the avatar through the "fly everywhere" fly everywhere in zones where flying is locked, the same goes for the "Sit on ground," they function by the user can sit anywhere without a primary need to rez. Furthermore, the viewer has a "Clothing Protection" to prevent the one offered by the Avatar Copy copies, hung on to This "Clothing Protection" we still have an active "CryoLife recognition" (elder Copy Bot) the bot User Quick Copy and effectively expose soll.Ein Another interesting extra in The Emerald Viewer you can customize the options before construction (for example, create a default texture to the newly created prim or change its shape). Last but not least I-would like to talk about the possibilities have to do with IM. There are first the ability to send their messages encrypted which prevents hackers and read along the Linden staff is. this function is called OTR and is an additional service offered on the Internet where you can register for free, the 2nd is there a way to seek announce the messages have been faster if they know someone anschreibt and can react immediately.

Kirsten S19 1.19.0 (385) (Kirsten Viewer)
The Viewer is an experimental Second Life Viewer is designed especially for high-end systems, this is also the chief System Requirements latest begründen.Der sprouted this viewer build S19 (385) has already integrated the Second Life 2.0 engine what should be future-pointing for the upcoming Second Life Viewer Third Party, he also owns, as well as the Emerald Viewer HTTP get to Textures download more quickly. Kirsten on The S19 (385) are my frame rate on the reference system with Max: 20 / Low: 10 frames per second without avatars and objects in the picture, with avatars and objects falling on the Framrate 7-3 frames per second. I justify this time with the higher system requirements of the Kirsten Viewer Provides to the system.

The HTTP get function:

Works on my reference system is very slow without HTTP get-think of loading the textures to the first place. Furthermore, you can see the textures of the loading on slower systems, which I think is not very nice but the change is again a matter of opinion.

additional functions:

kirsten The Viewer as the Emerald Viewer offers some useful additional functions to the interacting with the virtual world is to simplify, because once the would have known from the Emerald Viewer Double Teleport "with the simple teleport over the entire sim is possible to further provide the Kirsten viewer the possibility of a Socks 5 proxy to Second Life Connecting to what is to increase the security of the User. Because of kirsten Viewer attaches great importance to optimization were some graphical extras fitted such as "shadow representation (on deferred renderer)" "Defferred lights" and "Projected textures" to create shadows, lighting effects and textures to project what the game with current hardware macht.zusätzlich very clearly there is an LL- Plugin system with which you can plug directly loaded into the Viewer. were also some intriguing options to debug existing in the menu for what it the normal user makes it easier to find these options and to select. Another cool extra is the last and light indicating a selection where you just hovers over it with your mouse to be really a second life 2.0 feature that was later removed adoption of these older still cool Second Life 2.0 function.


Viewer Emerald: The Emerald Viewer is the all-rounder among the Second Life Viewer'n he has a good base to build from version to version in this release wird.Er offers many extras the life in Second life as easy as possible. The performance on slower computers is appropriate and there are very few problems with crashing computers with the Viewer.Auf stronger hardware it runs well. Currently offers the viewer no integration of Second Life 2.0 which will change soon and we also can contact us with The Emerald Viewer 2.0 again looking forward to a new version of Snow Globe.

Kirsten Viewer: The Viewer is a very great tool for high-end systems and offers a lot of games in Second Life enhance Graphically, additional functions fall but in contrast to the Emerald viewer rather thin. the second life 2.0 integration is trend for third party viewer. the stability of the viewer is unfortunately very much on the computer Hardware from people with a strong computer should have no problems to use the viewer and Kirsten can also thanks to the optimization of a performance boost profit. I recommend people with weaker computers rather the Emerald viewer there since he brings a high-performance power than the Kirsten Viewer.

General: I can only recommend people to both viewer to watch both have parts to and from which it is up to you which view he prefers.

Emerald Viewer: http://emerald.modularsystems.sl/ (In Review Snow Globe Version)

Kirsten Viewer: http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Downloads/Public% 20Viewers/Windows/S20 /

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cute Picnik Quotes For Acquaintances


Somehow, something has changed in the FC. I can describe it properly yet, but like this band. How Chihi pure skin - great. As the boys Nova has now driven time and again - so be it. Tosic has the potential to spell mouse - if he dribbles a knot in the legs.

The point today against Hamburg was definitely deserves more than. The hamburgers were the three points to ensure the Cologne have shown in recent weeks that they can fight and want. The much talked morality fits just now. Soldo I like getting better, slowly awakening to the line from his Croatian slumber. Since it takes even a Henke, who keeps him away from the Arbitrator. As he gestures suddenly, conducted, which has what.

now is to continue working in the next few weeks so and check off the relegation battle early. Then a win over Augsburg in the quarter-finals - oh, how about the beautiful.

FC is fun again! Me at least.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Is The Start Of Shingles Like

Poldi Mania, Poldiauweia?

Look, look. Even the opinion makers of mirror online have sat on the ass and written a few lines about the current plight of our prince . I find great that even the great journalists struggle with the same little problems as the small sports blogger next door: You need the much cited "content". Full must be the page, completely full. Because let's be honest: How much news is true but not in there. Poldi has ne crisis. Really? After scoreless minutes, the 1123 is now the sports editors of mirror online pre lures behind the oven. My opinion: not all that bad. Just in time for Carnival to Poldi is slowly but surely eingrooven again - and regain its former strength. If not ... care. Poldi is Kölle, Kölle is Poldi. There he is zo Hus and there he is getting old. And if, on the road to retirement now and then shoots a wicket for the FC, looking forward, I really happy about it.

Samples Of Church Welcome Card

tool of 2009

WEDO reached number 15 on performance comparison
"Tool of the Year 2009"

Formenbau Within the category "Internal Toolmaking over 100 staff reached "the WEDO molding and plastics processing GmbH even the 2 Place.
311 tool and die operations in Austria, Germany and Switzerland were the Wettbewerbum the title.
More info: Tool of the Year competition

Monday, February 1, 2010

The History Of Goldwell

With convincing performance ... finally arrived in the middle

Since I had to yesterday in the stadium was something the eyes rub. Also because of the weak Dortmund Koppen, who had to leave their Bengalos of Stampel. But mainly because of the convincing performance of the boys in Stuttgart. 4:1 is significantly below the line and deserves. It's like the perfect: Marica and Pogrebnyak finally meet again, fourth consecutive victory, newcomer with fabulous Kuzmina results.

sets Despite the euphoria, however, by the realization that one has arrived in the middle of the league. The relegation battle is still in full swing and we are in the middle. DC next week it goes in Nuremberg around the preserves to a directly s competitors in the relegation battle, then comes the HSV. Only once in the next two games at least 4 points are taken, I let myself be carried away by the euphoria. First of all, the homework is done.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Zippo Flint Imco Lighter

finally air in the Salary Fund - which is still at VfB?

Finally! Better late than never! Honestly, I've given up hope: Bastürk's contract was terminated early . The blunder moves on to Blackburn Rovers and reflects some air in the salary fund. Are we in the remaining days is still active in the transfer market? Perhaps this is something with heat, the Loew advised to switch. That's huge. When I heard that on Sunday in an interview with Loew in sport in Third. Loew to our boys fit for the title and not merely talking in club policy. The action was ungünschtig!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cute Ideas For 2 Year Anniversary

attractiveness of the employer - wallflower VfB

I had to me in recent days strongly rub their eyes, although in this context, the words "well" and were "obviously" is often applied: Ruud van Nistelrooy to HSV. An official report of a successful transfer completion is still out, but the confident messages not decrease. VfB followers as I think, "Gee, but also what would have been for us."

gets Why VfB not the point? The attractiveness as an employer for players with an international reputation is virtually absent. All too clearly, the facts when bickering with Huntelaar, who saw the wallflower VfB only as a game object to drive to other clubs the market price up. What makes the HSV better? Is it the management? Or the city itself? I can not imagine that it is on the money. Of the Champions' League as far removed, both sporty and in marketing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Does Norton Look Like

backward messages in the new Falconer album. We did so now

Dear Readers block today I have a special share time whole post for you , I have risen from Falco's new album and wondered what the once good for us Falco wanted to say in the first track because you do not forward it can understand. This is not a CD error but Backmasking The text was simply written backwards on the cd with the remainder plays forward, if you do not believe me test it yourself what you need:

1: Cd Ripper (Winamp, Windows Media Player)
2 : Falco - The Spirit Never shy
3: Track 1 - Return to Forever
4: Audacity or similar program
5: idea of the user of the program: P

turning Now the song to the program and play it off a little long Sammer and marvel ye and hearing:

"He is always in you"
"He is always in you"
"He is always in you"
"He is always in you"

and next thing I do not quite understand : (?)

"must be good" or "you must be"

"must be good or" you must be "

Demonstrate video (?): http://www. youtube.com / watch? v = QIZrRWd9n-s

I hope this blog entry fandet a little bit more exciting than my normal: P

nice Greetings

Can I Use Witch Hazel On School Sores

Rose Noire & Dunwich - A Guide

growing end of last year appeared the fantasy anthology "Rose Noire", which was published by Michael Preissl in its newly established publishing Voodoo Press.
Rose Noire - The Black Rose: Wear The stories in this anthology, as well as this rare flower, dark beauties on display, but the reader is warned, roses have thorns, and the blacks are particularly deadly.
The anthology includes stories by Sir Arthur Gordon Wolf, Sören Prescher, Andreas Gruber, Lars Maria Maly, Mark Freier, Tobias Bachmann, Michael Knoke, David Seinsche, David Grashoff, Sven Koessler, Günter Suda, Jörg Kleudgen, Rainer Innreiter, Torsten Scheib and Kealan Patrick Burke.
The paperback has a circumference of 340 pages and is for 14, - €, ISBN 978-3-9502701-0-5 in bookstores or directly relate to the publisher under www.voodoo-press.com . The interested reader should hurry, however, because the book is limited to 100 copies.
also limited and already sold out for a long time, the newly published Volume 3 of the edition of the Arkham Basilisk Publisher: "Dunwich - A Travel Guide".
Dunwich - a place of decay and horror. A village, a scene of many scary Operations, is blowing in the smell of rot and decay through the narrow streets. Blight is the centuries-old buildings that seem the ominous glow of the sunset as covered with blood. There are rumors of blasphemous rites that are celebrated in dark vaults, and from nameless horrors that plague the traveler. What terrible secrets lurking in the ruined village, which lies deep in the mountains of Massachusetts? Is there an escape from the power of evil?
Patrick J. Grieser invites you on a journey into one of the darkest spots of Massachusetts. The Dunwich guide contains a collection of eerie tales myth Tobias Bachmann, Jason Brannon, Rainer Innreiter, Sören Prescher, Thomas R. Riley, Günter Suda, Uwe Vöhl Gordon and Arthur Wolf.
The paperback with the ISBN 3-935706-46-4 and was at a price of 14, - € already widely sold out before publication, which is due to the strict limitation of the edition of 99 copies, Arkham. Pre and subscribers to keep the book is already long in their hands.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Funny Wedding Invitation Content For Friends


and there is still not much new to report my academic performance are all in all good, and I am confident that this will remain so. Otherwise, I've Yesterday on the flap down * grrr * damn ice and snow, I hope this summer will be back soon. In this moment where I write here just the blog I update on my desktop computer when this was done quite some time no longer.

Jow would eigetlich all there is to account of as

wish all readers once again a happy new year and good luck and blessings
