Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sims 3 Disc Not Found? Mac

case Update: Reminder from the attorney

are still to be expected, all the letters, calls and faxes answered by us in the telecom here. The letter of 13.12.2008 was the last we had been sent. But the telecoms are not kleinbei and sends us instead of answers or proposed solutions to a lawyer.

today come fluttering in the mail, a claim of 91.34 EUR, contains once € 56.98 a Speedport router and 30, - attorneys' fees. Where is because now the "second" router? Then comes the lawyer of another?

We will now discuss and decide what we do - we can not afford a lawyer, unfortunately not. Hard just to make that will be one of our last Telekom DSL telecom products, a new provider of telephony offering is complete without the Telekom has already been found and charged.
that I have a large group like the German Telekom may provide such Fakse amazed us again and again.


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