Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snot Looking Mucus After Ovulation

Winds Of Change 2009

time for the new year is Basilisk Publisher the translated by me Band "Winds of Change" was published. Jason Brannon is expected since its co-chambers to be known work "The church of dead tongues" in the guild lovecraft'schen with Kim Newman.

Author: Jason Brannon
Publisher: Basilisk Publisher
Price € 12.80
extent: 180 pages
Translator: Tobias Bachmann
Cover: Benjamin King
ISBN: 3-935706-38-3


A group of strangers trapped in a hardware store, while outside mysterious winds all who venture out to turn into a pillar of salt. Is this the result of failure of biological warfare or an innocent terrorist attack? Is it a biblical curse from the time of the plagues in ancient Egypt? Or is it something much more sinister ...

A string quartet in the interior of a conservatory of creatures from the depths of the sea is being held. The order of beings is to stop the music of the prisoners. The only chance of survival of the quartet is their ability to produce music. Therefore, they must either continue to play in the eternity or die ...

A homeless man makes friends with a teenager, the Voodoo gods by the graffiti he sprayed on the walls evoke the city can. escapes as one of the gods, needed there is more than just friendship to help the boy.


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